Rice Congee or "Jook"- Survival Food

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Rice Congee or "Jook" for Survival

Rice Congee or "Jook" is one of the basic foods for the Chinese common man. As such it is an invaluable resource for basic survival. Rice is cheap, nutritious, and keeps well. Your survival larder should always have a few big bags of rice, packaged so as to keep dry and away from vermin.

Congee or Jook is rice porridge, spiced up with a bit of meat, sugar or honey, or whatever else you might have. It is warm, nourishing, and is a good way to feed a lot of people through hard times when you have very little.

To make Rice Congee, or Jook

In a large pot, bring 3 quarts of chicken or other stock, or water to a simmer. Add one cup dry white rice. Bring back to a simmer, and simmer for two or three hours, stirring occasionally so it does not stick to pan. By then the congee should be reduced to a nice thin porridge. Add a bit of cooked meat or vegetable if you have it. This will make enough congee for one good meal for three or four people.

This simple dish feeds a lot of the world's people. After it may feed many more. Plain rice congee is not a fully balanced diet, but you can live a long time on it without harm. With a bit of jerky to chew on, and a little vegetable of some sort, congee is a balanced diet, and will keep you strong. Congee also carries well, and can be eaten on the run.

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