Tom and Jerries, from Bruce Moffitt


These are wonderful warming drinks to serve around a Yule fire, a camp fire, or anywhere else a wonderful rush of rum, brandy or other warmth would be welcome. This recipe will make about four, and can be easily multiplied.

When you want to do a round of Tom and Jerries, first simmer up water and/or milk, about 4-5 ounces per drink.

Shortly before serving, prepare the egg mixture. For each four servings, take:

  • 2 eggs

Separate the whites into a copper bowl. Beat yolks until thick and creamy. Add:

  • 1/2 cp powdered sugar

Beat until stiff, mix in:

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla.

Beat whites until stiff, fold into above mixture.

To make a Tom and Jerry, put a heaping tablespoon of the egg mixture in a large cup, add 2 or 3 ounces of rum, brandy, tequila, sherry, madiera or other spirit, and fill with either hot milk or water, or a mixture of the two. A shot of rich cream is nice or a spoonful of whipped cream. Stir gently, and garnish with a bit of ground nutmeg or mace. For the unitiated, this is a very warm and invigorating drink.

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